Jump-start Your Child’s Handwriting: How Frog-Catching Builds Prewriting Skills!
Experience The Wonder is our blog where you'll find free resources, education, and inspiration to get children outdoors, experiencing the wonders of extended time in nature.
We are in the process of transferring these resources onto this site. Please check back often or subscribe to get updates.
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Our Experience with TerraTime & Autism
Our Experience With TerraTime
Benefits of Playing Outdoors in Winter
Mud Lady
Risky Play – What You Need to Know
Child-Directed Play and Learning
Our Classroom Waterslide
“The opportunity you provide is unique - I haven't come across anything else like it, even being from the land of camps in and around DC.
Growing up I was always fascinated by nature and always took opportunities to be outside when I could. A love of nature is what got me where I am today, and I know you are making a difference in kids' lives through this exposure to the outdoors, as well as giving them agency and less structure.
You've created a wonderful environment for them to learn and grow. Thanks again for another great year!”
Melissa | Conservation Biologist at Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute's Conservation Ecology Center | Washington, D.C.